Anyone posting a threat especially against a law enforcement officer or politician will be banned
1 min read
Two Social Fascists' that the Progressives can relate to. As well as some Never Trumpers.

This article was one I wrote for substack.

Adolph and Benito had some similarities with the Progressives and some Never Trumpers.

I saw where a loon on a obscure website claimed that Benito and Adolph were Socialists but that all changed after WWI. Please give me a break. Not sure if that meant they supported some views of Hitler and Mussolini or not. But one things clear. 

Progressives and Never Trumpers want Gun Control.

Progressives and some Never Trumpers support higher taxes.

Progressives and some Never Trumpers support Government Social Programs.

Progressives and some Never Trumpers support Government run Corporations.

I’m sure there’s more but those four points above stick out.

What say you? 

Anyone posting a threat especially against a law enforcement officer or politician will be banned.Creative Commons License
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