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How to start growing your own victory garden.

Original Article  appeared here.

How to start growing your own victory garden.

With many states enacting stay-at-home policies and the uncertainty surrounding food availability, the idea of victory gardens, the World War II effort of home gardening for self-reliance, is making a comeback.

Whether you’re picking up gardening as a hobby, or planting your own produce to supplement your groceries in the coming months, home gardening can be very rewarding. But having a successful home garden is not as easy as sticking a seed in the ground.

"Nature is trying to get back to forest constantly," says Aaron von Frank. Von Frank and his wife, Susan, are organic gardeners documenting their adventures in agriculture on Tyrant Farms.

"You have to think about how you can best work with nature to create an ecosystem where the plants that you want to cultivate are happy and healthy," says von Frank, "and the plants that you don’t want to cultivate [like weeds that can choke your garden] are not happy and healthy."

This requires not just proper planning, but also an understanding of the environment with which you’re working. Here are some things von Frank says you should consider in order to successfully manage a home garden and have a bountiful harvest later this season.


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