Anyone posting a threat especially against a law enforcement officer or politician will be banned
1 min read
Add Clarence Thomas to the list of Rosa Parks, Willie Mays, MLK, and others that Progressives have labeled Uncle Toms.

Add Clarence Thomas to the list of Rosa Parks, Willie Mays, MLK, and others that Progressives have labeled Uncle Toms. Malcolm X was a well known racist who started the labeling of Blacks who didn't agree with his hate speech as Uncle Tom's.

Now add  a affirmative action race baiting Senator from Georgia to that list that X would approve of. The Georgia state senate is looking to add a statue of Clarence Thomas in the state capitol. No state monies would be used. it would all be private donations.

Anyone posting a threat especially against a law enforcement officer or politician will be banned.Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.