Anyone posting a threat especially against a law enforcement officer or politician will be banned
1 min read
05 Jul


Natural gas power generation plants in Huntington Beach. California lawmakers have struck a deal to fast-track power plants. Photo by REUTERS/Mike Blake

Governor Newsom came up with a plan to save the state from total electric grid collapse. Fossil fuels will be used to help since wind and solar aren't the answer when you have no way to store the electricity since they don't have enough battery storage units.

So odds are power plants that were going to shut down may end up going past those shut down dates. And there's even a possibility the Nuclear Power Plant could end up not shutting down.

What's interesting is that the Water Resource Dept. will have dictatorial powers to run this. It will put the agency squarely in the energy business, giving it authority not only to buy power on the energy market, which it already does, but also to “construct, own and operate” power plants.

Anyone posting a threat especially against a law enforcement officer or politician will be banned.Creative Commons License
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